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Surya Namaskar includes a total of 8 asanas woven into his 12-step sequence for each side. The benefits of doing Surya Namaskar on this International Yoga Day are:
In yoga practice,Surya Namaskar is a greeting to the sun, radiating gratitude and love for its life-giving energy. Meanwhile, Surya Namaskar started on his right foot. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is best done in the early morning before sunrise. Experience many benefits, such as physical and mental strength, better body control, mental calmness, balanced energy, and inner peace. Surya Namaskar is a powerful awareness technique. Regular practice expands awareness and creates a deeper connection between body, breath, and awareness, slowly increasing to 11 cycles per day.
Technology On Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar contains a total of 8 asanas woven into a series of 12 steps on each side. When starting Surya Namaskar, you must start on the right side. Both parts complete a complete cycle of 24 counts, and each asana should be associated with a specific breath followed by 24 Sun Salutation steps.
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Physical And Mental Health
Surya Namaskar strengthens the whole body, aids weight loss, and strengthens muscles and joints. If you want to improve your complexion, practice this flow as it improves digestive system function. This is especially beneficial for women as it ensures a regular menstrual cycle. Sun Salutations can also help treat frozen shoulders, aid weight loss, improve nervous system balance, lower blood sugar levels, and stimulate the chakra Manipura.
What are the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar?
To understand the benefits of Surya Namaskar, It’s crucial to adhere to the instructions of Surya Namskar’s systematically, with a clear mind and concentration. Here is a step-by-step guide to the pose of Surya Namaskar.
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1. Prana Masana Or Prayer Pose
Surya Namaskar, The first pose of her asana, can be done by standing on her yoga mat with her feet together. Take a deep breath, feel your chest rise, and relax your shoulders. As you inhale, take a deep breath, raise your arms to the sides and, as you exhale, clap your hands together in front of you. Your chest forms a namaste.
Benefits of Pranamasana: Helps to relax the nervous system and maintain balance in the body.
2. Hasta Uttanasana Or Raised Arms Pose
Place your palms together and take a deep breath. Raise your arms while leaning back slightly. Gently push your pelvis forward and back to lengthen your spine. Pull your biceps toward your ears as you straighten your entire body from your heels.
Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana: Stretches and tones the abdominal muscles. Effective for those with asthma, back pain, and fatigue.
3. Hasta Padasana Or Standing Forward Bend Exhale And Bend Forward
touching your toes with your fingers. If necessary, you can bend your knees first. Keep your spine straight, and your neck and shoulders relaxed. Try to touch the floor with your toes while gently pressing your heels.
Benefits of Hasta Padasana: Stretches the hamstrings and opens the legs. Helps with insomnia, osteoporosis, headaches, anxiety, and stress.
4. Ashwa Sancha Lanasana or Lunge
After returning from His Hasta Padasana, bend your knees slightly, putting your palms on the ground parallel to your feet. Place your right knee on the right side of your chest and your left knee on the right side of your chest. Leg. stretch. Balance your body and lift your head forward.
Ashwa Sanchalanasana’s benefits include strengthening the spine and expanding lung capacity.
5. Chaturanga Dandasana Of The Plank Pose
Inhale from Ashwa Sanchalanasana, and bring your right leg back next to the left leg. How are you or what are shakers, and how do you spread evenly on the ground? Your body needs to be aligned in a straight line. Head to toe. Balanced by breathing…
Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana: Keep the mind style while stretching the arms, chest, shoulders, and spine. This pose also bathed the posture.
6. Ashtanga Namaskar Or Eight Limb Pose,
Also called eight point or partial salutation. To perform this pose, As you exhale, bend your knees to the floor. Rest your chin on the floor and lift your hips slightly off the floor. Your hands, knees, chin, and chest should touch the floor, and your buttocks should be in the air. Inhale and hold the position for as long as it is comfortable.
Ashtanga Namaskar Benefits: Increases flexibility and lengthens the back and spine. Strengthens muscles and relieves stress.
7. Bhujangasana On Surya Namaskar
Slowly slide forward and place your feet and stomach on the floor. Place your palms close to your chest and as you inhale, press your hands together and slowly lift your torso so that your pelvic area touches the floor. Keeping your shoulders away from your ears, pull your feet in and look straight ahead. The head and torso should resemble a cobra with the hood up.
Benefits of Bhujangasana: Stretches the shoulders, back, chest and spine. Improves flexibility and mood.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog
Lie on your side, release your chest from Bhujangasana and rotate your back toward the ceiling. As you exhale, gently lift your hips to create an inverted V shape. Straighten your elbows and keep your heels on the ground while kneeling. Deepen the stretch with each exhale and inhale. Look at your navel.
Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana: Calms the nerves and promotes blood circulation. Relieve stress and strengthen your arms and legs. For women, this yoga asana relieves the symptoms of menopause.
9.Return From Ashwa Sancharanasana Or High Lunge Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana and step forward with your right foot. With your feet on the mat, keep your left leg straight behind you and slowly look forward. Gently push your hips into the ground and dig deeper. racks
Having made this move before, it will stretch better this time. Ashwa Sanchalanasana Benefits: Strengthens the spine and increases lung capacity.
10. Surya Namaskar On Hasta Padasana, Forward Bend
Inhale and step forward with your left foot, in line with your right foot. Without changing the position of your hands, bend your torso and exhale slowly while touching the floor with your fingers.
Benefits of Hasta Padasana: Stretches the hamstrings and opens the legs. Helps with stress, anxiety, headaches, osteoporosis, and insomnia.
11.Hasta Uttanasana Or Raised Arms Pose
As you inhale, raise your torso and bring your palms together. Stretch your spine and straighten your spine.
Yes, I’ve done that before haste Uttanasana benefits include stretching and toning the abdominal muscles. For people with asthma, back pain, and fatigue.
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12. Surya Namaskar On Pranamasana
To return to our starting point, notice that we have circled these 12 poses. Exhale, stand up straight, and relax your body, as mentioned in the first step. Bring your arms down in front of your chest in Namaste.
Benefits of Pranamasana: It helps relax the nervous system and maintain balance in the body. Stress and anxiety are also lessened by it. Yoga has many benefits for the body and mind. People, especially the elderly. One of the simplest methods for keeping your body and mind active while relieving various ailments and body pains at the same time.
Complete these 12 steps for 12 cycles to get the maximum benefits of Surya Namaskar.
Infographic: Surya Namaskar 12 Pose and Health Benefits